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Investing in Women and Inspiring Inclusion

Today is International Women's Day, a global observation of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Each year, this day serves as a powerful reminder of the progress made toward gender equality and highlights the work that still needs to be done. 

IWD2024 - news cover (1).jpg

This year's International Women's Day UN campaign themes - Invest in Women and Inspire Inclusion - call for action to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create environments where all women are valued and respected. Some of the topics discussed include:

  • forging women’s economic empowerment;
  • recruiting, retaining, and developing female talent;
  • supporting women and girls in leadership, decision-making, business, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics);
  • providing women and girls with access to quality education and training. 

To celebrate this day, we have invited Nefab employees across our sites to discuss investment and inclusion for women in the packaging and logistics industry. Here are their inspiring stories and insights! 

Logistic Assistant, Nefab Hungary 
Joined Nefab in 2011 

For Eszter, investing in women means supporting them through career development and parenthood. "As a woman, no one should feel at a disadvantage because, for example, she is younger than the male applicant or has a small child", she says. 

At Nefab, she highlights the empowerment and constant support received by managers: "In regular conversations with my manager, I can express both my positive and negative comments, which are usually resolved. Within my job, I’m not limited in what methods I use to solve the problems that arise. I receive all kinds of support so that I can do my work effectively." 

<p><span data-contrast="auto"><strong>E<span class="TextRun SCXW204036419 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW204036419 BCX8" data-ccp-charstyle="Strong">SZTER</span> <span class="NormalTextRun SCXW204036419 BCX8" data-ccp-charstyle="Strong">CZIRJ&Aacute;K </span></span></strong><span class="LineBreakBlob BlobObject DragDrop SCXW204036419 BCX8"><span class="SCXW204036419 BCX8">&nbsp;</span><br class="SCXW204036419 BCX8" /></span><span class="TextRun SCXW204036419 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW204036419 BCX8" data-ccp-parastyle="Normal (Web)">Logistic Assistant, Nefab Hungary</span></span><span class="LineBreakBlob BlobObject DragDrop SCXW204036419 BCX8"><span class="SCXW204036419 BCX8">&nbsp;</span><br class="SCXW204036419 BCX8" /></span><span class="TextRun SCXW204036419 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW204036419 BCX8" data-ccp-parastyle="Normal (Web)">Joined Nefab in 2011</span></span><span class="EOP SCXW204036419 BCX8" data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">For Eszter, investing in women means supporting them through career development and parenthood. "As a woman, no one should feel at a disadvantage because, for example, she is younger than the male applicant or has a small child", she says.</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">At Nefab, she highlights the empowerment and constant support received by managers: "In regular conversations with my manager, I can express both my positive and negative comments, which are usually resolved. Within my job, I&rsquo;m not limited in what methods I use to solve the problems that arise. I receive all kinds of support so that I can do my work effectively."</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>

Customer Service, Nefab Packaging Sweden 
Joined Nefab in 2011 

Elin highlights the importance of gender balance in the workplace: "I think it’s important that both women and men be evenly distributed in workplaces as much as possible. By adapting workplaces in production, more women can be offered to work there." 

She likes how Nefab offers equal opportunities for career growth: "I think Nefab gets the opportunities to grow and test new things, I got the chance, and I took it." 

<p><strong><span class="TextRun SCXW12115081 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW12115081 BCX8" data-ccp-charstyle="Strong">ELIN ERIKSSON</span></span></strong><span class="LineBreakBlob BlobObject DragDrop SCXW12115081 BCX8"><strong><span class="SCXW12115081 BCX8">&nbsp;</span></strong><br class="SCXW12115081 BCX8" /></span><span class="TextRun SCXW12115081 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW12115081 BCX8" data-ccp-parastyle="Normal (Web)">Customer Service, Nefab Packaging Sweden</span></span><span class="LineBreakBlob BlobObject DragDrop SCXW12115081 BCX8"><span class="SCXW12115081 BCX8">&nbsp;</span><br class="SCXW12115081 BCX8" /></span><span class="TextRun SCXW12115081 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW12115081 BCX8" data-ccp-parastyle="Normal (Web)">Joined Nefab in 2011</span></span><span class="EOP SCXW12115081 BCX8" data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">Elin highlights the importance of gender balance in the workplace: "I think it&rsquo;s important that both women and men be evenly distributed in workplaces as much as possible. By adapting workplaces in production, more women can be offered to work there."</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">She likes how Nefab offers equal opportunities for career growth: "I think Nefab gets the opportunities to grow and test new things, I got the chance, and I took it."</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>

Operator, Nefab Vietnam 
Joined Nefab in 2018 

For Lan Dam, “investing in women” means allowing women fair economic participation, so they can take ownership of their lives. About inclusion, she complements: "Companies should hire more female employees and get them involved in management level for better gender balance." 

As a female employee, she feels that Nefab has great company policies in terms of respect, open communication, and career development. She says: "We are also proud to have a female manager in the top management and regional team, so we believe that our voice can be heard and that all female employees can have a chance for growth." 

<p><strong><span data-contrast="auto">LAN DAM</span></strong>&nbsp;<br /><span data-contrast="auto">Operator, Nefab Vietnam</span>&nbsp;<br /><span data-contrast="auto">Joined Nefab in 2018</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">For Lan Dam, &ldquo;investing in women&rdquo; means allowing women fair economic participation, so they can take ownership of their lives. About inclusion, she complements: "Companies should hire more female employees and get them involved in management level for better gender balance."</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">As a female employee, she feels that Nefab has great company policies in terms of respect, open communication, and career development. She says: "We are also proud to have a female manager in the top management and regional team, so we believe that our voice can be heard and that all female employees can have a chance for growth."</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>

Group IT Operations Manager, Nefab Sweden 
Joined Nefab in 2022

Maria thinks it is essential to begin with education. "Really, from the start, make sure girls get the same equal opportunities as boys to get an education", she says. She also highlights the importance of gender balance and the work environment within male-dominated industries: "It's about keeping it on the agenda and making it part of the business culture. Investing in women and fostering inclusion can also mean taking immediate action to address sexism at work". 

She identifies many positives at Nefab: "When I look at Nefab’s organization I find women in all different kinds of positions which is a fine indicator for me Nefab is investing in women and working for equal opportunities." 

<p><strong><span data-contrast="auto">MARIA SK&Ouml;LD</span></strong>&nbsp;<br /><span data-contrast="auto">Group IT Operations Manager, Nefab Sweden</span>&nbsp;<br /><span data-contrast="auto">Joined Nefab in 2022</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">Maria thinks it is essential to begin with education. "Really, from the start, make sure girls get the same equal opportunities as boys to get an education", she says. She also highlights the importance of gender balance and the work environment within male-dominated industries: "It's about keeping it on the agenda and making it part of the business culture. Investing in women and fostering inclusion can also mean taking immediate action to address sexism at work".</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">She identifies many positives at Nefab: "When I look at Nefab&rsquo;s organization I find women in all different kinds of positions which is a fine indicator for me Nefab is investing in women and working for equal opportunities."</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>

Sales Manager, Nefab China 
Joined Nefab in 2007 

Mary thinks companies need to hire more women for better gender diversity in the workplace. She says: "Investing in women can support building more resilient economies and more equitable societies. It benefits not only the women themselves but also their families and communities". 

From her perspective, Nefab provides female employees with equal opportunities: "I joined Nefab as a sales assistant, then I grew up to be a sales manager. I am appreciated to get sufficient training and fully empowered by Nefab." 


<p><strong><span class="TextRun SCXW74471075 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW74471075 BCX8" data-ccp-charstyle="Strong">MARY FANG</span></span></strong><span class="LineBreakBlob BlobObject DragDrop SCXW74471075 BCX8"><span class="SCXW74471075 BCX8">&nbsp;</span><br class="SCXW74471075 BCX8" /></span><span class="TextRun SCXW74471075 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW74471075 BCX8" data-ccp-parastyle="Normal (Web)">Sales Manager, Nefab China</span></span><span class="LineBreakBlob BlobObject DragDrop SCXW74471075 BCX8"><span class="SCXW74471075 BCX8">&nbsp;</span><br class="SCXW74471075 BCX8" /></span><span class="TextRun SCXW74471075 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW74471075 BCX8" data-ccp-parastyle="Normal (Web)">Joined Nefab in 2007</span></span><span class="EOP SCXW74471075 BCX8" data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">Mary thinks companies need to hire more women for better gender diversity in the workplace. She says: "Investing in women can support building more resilient economies and more equitable societies. It benefits not only the women themselves but also their families and communities".</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">From her perspective, Nefab provides female employees with equal opportunities: "I joined Nefab as a sales assistant, then I grew up to be a sales manager. I am appreciated to get sufficient training and fully empowered by Nefab."</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>

Packaging Engineer, Nefab Netherlands 
Joined Nefab in 2020 

For Ezter, investing in women should mean the same as investing in men. "It would be nice to experience investing in people everywhere - also regardless of gender", she says. She also draws attention to how motherhood should be seen as a strength in workplaces. For example, how being a parent can make a person stronger, more assertive, as well as a warmer and more caring employee and leader. Additionally, she says: "Employers should create safe environments, where female employees can bravely speak up if they experience sexism". 

As an employee at Nefab, Eszter shares: "I have never ever experienced discrimination at Nefab. Nefab always made me feel that I’m enough, my opinion counts, and my expertise is something to cherish. It’s also encouraging that there are a lot of female leaders at Nefab globally."   

<p><strong><span data-contrast="auto">ESZTER V&Eacute;R</span></strong>&nbsp;<br /><span data-contrast="auto">Packaging Engineer, Nefab Netherlands</span>&nbsp;<br /><span data-contrast="auto">Joined Nefab in 2020</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">For Ezter, investing in women should mean the same as investing in men. "It would be nice to experience investing in people everywhere - also regardless of gender", she says. She also draws attention to how motherhood should be seen as a strength in workplaces. For example, how being a parent can make a person stronger, more assertive, as well as a warmer and more caring employee and leader. Additionally, she says: "Employers should create safe environments, where female employees can bravely speak up if they experience sexism".</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">As an employee at Nefab, Eszter shares: "I have never ever experienced discrimination at Nefab. Nefab always made me feel that I&rsquo;m enough, my opinion counts, and my expertise is something to cherish. It&rsquo;s also encouraging that there are a lot of female leaders at Nefab globally."&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>

Warehouse Coodinator, Nefab Guadalajara 
Joined Nefab in 2014 

Besides hiring more women, Liliana thinks that investing in women means "giving them equal opportunities in all the areas of the company so they have the same chance for growth as men have". 

Regarding being a Nefab employee, Liliana comments: "Nefab has supported me in my job growth, medical support, the different benefits that we have as employees, and flexibility to attend to personal matters with my kids." 

<p><strong><span data-contrast="auto">LILIANA MART&Iacute;NEZ</span></strong>&nbsp;<br /><span data-contrast="auto">Warehouse Coodinator, Nefab Guadalajara</span>&nbsp;<br /><span data-contrast="auto">Joined Nefab in 2014</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">Besides hiring more women, Liliana thinks that investing in women means "giving them equal opportunities in all the areas of the company so they have the same chance for growth as men have".</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span data-contrast="auto">Regarding being a Nefab employee, Liliana comments: "Nefab has supported me in my job growth, medical support, the different benefits that we have as employees, and flexibility to attend to personal matters with my kids."</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;134233117&quot;:true,&quot;134233118&quot;:true,&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559737&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:240,&quot;469777462&quot;:[5580,9000,5580,9000],&quot;469777927&quot;:[0,0,0,0],&quot;469777928&quot;:[0,0,1,4]}">&nbsp;</span></p>

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