• Export Packaging
  • Packaging Optimization


When shipping your products for distribution, your transport packaging solution and design isn't a decision that you should take lightly. Transport packaging works to protect goods while they are in transit, and because most shipments are subject to more than one mode of transportation throughout their journey, packaging needs to be designed to stand up to both local and export conditions. By exploring the four main package transportation methods and their hazards, you can get a better idea about your transport packaging solution needs.

Sea Freight

Sea or ocean freight transportation is often used by companies that need to ship large amounts of goods at once. While this is the longest mode of transportation, it is ideal for bulk shipments, especially minerals and coal. It is a suitable option for products with long lead times, and for large volumes, it is an affordable and economical transportation solution. However, this mode of transportation tends to be quite slow, is subject to customs restrictions, and can lead to product damage due to environmental hazards and movement if your goods aren't packaged properly.

Load Optimization is Crucial When Loading an Ocean Freight Container
When transporting your products via ocean freight, it is crucial that you optimize your container load. Not only will you reduce your shipping expenses, but you will also reduce the potential for damage during transport. Non-optimized loads mean that you'll have unused space within the container, allowing your items room to shift and move up against each other during transport. For proper load optimization, follow a few simple steps:
Inspect the container. Your container needs to be inspected carefully before anything is loaded. Pay close attention to any contamination or residue on the floor, as these substances could cause a negative reaction with your cargo.
Load heavy materials first. Large, heavy items should always be loaded first on the floor and against the container's front wall. Lighter items should be placed at the top.
Distribute weight across the container. If your container is loaded to maximum capacity, it is important that the weight is evenly distributed across the floor area.
Before loading, it is important to plan ahead. There are advanced tools and software programs that use values like package weight, dimension, volume, and restrictions in order to help you reach an optimal container load.

products will require some level of shock protection in order to prevent damage during distribution

Air Freight

Companies that work with short lead times and require their packages to be transported as quickly as possible often choose air freight. This is a relatively safe mode of transport, and it reduces supplier lead times while improving the overall level of service. However, only certain goods are suitable for air transport, and this expensive option often comes with airport taxes, custom and excise restrictions, and other regulatory requirements.

Hazards of Air Freight Transport
If you choose to transport via air freight, there are certain hazards for which you need to prepare by choosing the right packaging:
Atmospheric changes and environmental exposures. High and low atmospheric pressures can have a dramatic effect on certain packages, and humidity changes can result in condensation or corrosion that could affect your product if not packaged properly.
In-transport movement. Your packages are liable to shift and move significantly during air transport. From acceleration and take-off, to in-flight dropping and pitching if turbulence is experienced, your package needs to be able to withstand any unexpected pitching or jarring.
Shock. Shock occurs during transport and handling as a result of impacts with containers, racks, floors, and other shipments. Proper cushioning within your package will reduce damage that results from shock, and most products will require some level of shock protection in order to prevent damage during distribution.

Road Transport

Almost all packaging will require road transport to some degree. Road transportation is cost effective and ideal for transporting perishables for short distances. It is easy to monitor the location of your goods, but your packaging could be damaged by mishandling or careless driving. If you are choosing road transport, it is important to prepare for potential delays, including traffic, truck breakdown, and bad weather.

Ensuring Proper Vibration Protection during Road Transport
When shipping your products via road transport, it is important that you choose the right package design. Package cushioning can be designed for vibration protection if you consider that cushions should perform like springs. Depending on the thickness and load-bearing area of the cushion, it should be designed in a way that either does not have an influence on the input vibration or isolates the product from the vibration. The right design will make all the difference in how well the cushion can protect your product from vibration damage.

Rail Transport

Rail transportation is a great solution for domestic or intercontinental transport, especially for heavy goods. It is a fairly safe and reliable mode of transport that offers fast delivery at a cost effective price point, and it is also more environmentally-friendly than air and road alternatives. Plus, rail freight doesn't add to traffic and roadway congestion like other modes of transportation.
Unfortunately, rail transport isn't a perfect mode of transport and also comes with its disadvantages. All packaging solutions need to be prepared to protect against damage from shunting and vibration, and the right packaging materials can reduce and absorb the negative effects that vibration can have on a product. Rail transport is only available in limited routes with inflexible timetables, and if you aren't located near a rail freight depot, you will also need to worry about proper packaging that will protect your products during road transport to the station.

Nefab Designs Transport Packaging Solutions for All Modes of Transport

The packaging that you choose for your goods during transport can make or break your business. Selecting the wrong transport packaging solution could lead to damaged products, unhappy customers, and lost business. Regardless of how you intend to ship your goods, it is critical that you fully consider the potential hazards to which they might be exposed and design a transport packaging solution that will keep them safe.

At Nefab, we help our customers to transport their products safely and securely without product damage. As packaging designers, we create packaging solutions catered to your mode of transportation using the materials that will give your goods complete protection. Regardless of whether your package makes its journey via truck, boat, train, or airplane, at Nefab, we can design the packaging solution that allows it to arrive at its final destination in perfect condition while minimizing your total cost of logistics.

Visit our pages about Transport Packaging SolutionsExport Packaging or Contact us for more information

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